This year has been a very interesting year where rule-based order is blatantly being challenged. Keeping up with all the new emerging technologies can be like a lot for any company, thus knowing where digital trends are going is super important in determining how our society will be formed. As it keeps unleashes itself, tech has sent and will always send tremor up in every industry. In 2023, digital transformation has proven, yet again, to redefine how organisations deal and embrace innovation. Source: Digital Adoption
91% of businesses are involved in digital initiative
87% of senior business leaders say digitalisation is a priority
82% of businesses emphasised in digital transformation to avoid being left behind
76% of businesses plan on long-term IT changes
33% of senior executives anticipate substantial increase in attacks against cloud management interfaces
One similarity in the wants and needs that becomes a critical requirement in addressing and creating transformational digital solutions is that it will have to be an intelligent system. Research findings recently stated that after using discrete choice models to simulate 4,000 possible combinations of characteristics for intelligent systems success, the top few priorities can be ranked by what really matters and when it matters in terms of timing (now, the near and/or further future state). Number one priority is a system that would be sensing, predicting, computing, creating and connecting using digital feedback loops to run autonomously or with machine learning and automation. The second is a system that is completely energy-independent, to avoid a disaster of critical dependence on energy crisis and or jeopardising system integrity. As the timing is pretty much near-future, barriers and drivers to success are at times obvious, and some are very human.
Let the absorb the above results – as per usual, anticipate, plan and initiate accordingly. Mixed results they may be, but for us Transformation practitioners, it has really been a positive and promising one. We’re trained not to leave anyone behind. So let’s keep staying ahead and staying in the game. We need not hesitate, but to take more and more to jump on the digital transformation bandwagon in the upcoming new year and beyond.