The secret’s out. The future world we’re embarking into – if you intend to be on board – uncompromisingly requires full-on ethics and transparency. Call it natural entanglement. From ethical sourcing to ethical AI, technology proves that it can work wonders to turn the table around for the good, subsequently brings features that can stick in your minds with awe. Say if you may somehow being led to believe to have the entitlement or claim the position as a group of Architects creating a new world. You’re building a structure so complicated the lines are intentionally or unintentionally crissed-crossed you can’t see clearly what you’re initially drawing upon. The built log is a fading blur you lost track of the sequences and always make series of unwise assumptions, altering the environment to your own needs, turning things upside-down, take the easiest irresponsible role anyone can offer as the destroyer, have to be on underhanding or pretending-mode at all times, thus “dodgy” dealings with dodgy entities whom without hesitation taking advantage of your vulnerabilites and misled you to elusive power, become the norms. And when you’re puzzlingly done with errors of going into a pattern of destructive circles without the complete awareness that in each reset you’re foolishly sacrificing and reducing the number of your own troops, it’s time for a realisation the answer that should’ve binded the blueprint has been there all along. Ethics.
What are Ethics in the Face of Grand Challenges ?
It means the ability to confirm and be proud of our one, own personal, original self, without the duality. No Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde-ing. It’s an acceptance of what we truly are – what we’re not, identifying the evolutionary pathogens that built our individual traits and characteristics: encouraging positive traits and mitigating parasitic tendencies. The mainstream belief “you are what you eat” however convincing it may sound, sadly doesn’t make it pyshically true in every sense of the words. Some symbiont’s DNAs just clash and do not merge well. What we do and don’t understand, and the compass to the path of what we want to become. This gives an opportunity to question, decide and set values as the basis of our ethics, and travel through using them as our navigation system.
Who set the benchmark for Tech Ethics ?
The current convention, genuinely impartial universal rule of law set the standard, and highly-moralled, impartial, credible, appointed policy makers should oversee the policy and playground. Like any other transformative global issue, the guidelines are to be set as unbiased as possible without sacrificing humanity – or the hosts – rights and values, nor denying them from their naturally abundant inherited richness. While global consensus and delicate approaches might be desirable, it should not come at the cost of obliterating ethics and morality.
When to adhere to a set of Ethical rules ?
You can easily be tricked into believing that everything you go through is only a game. If it is, then it’s a game with serious consequences and real-world implications. Ethics provides means for reality check and construction, but it would be unwise to not make the choices intelligently, through awareness of and respect of those who really matter: humans and other non-invasive beings, who possesses the upmost good intention. Intelligent beings or not. Ethics must be used as guidance at all times but most efficiently and significantly when advancement has turned into a fierce, or worse, hostile environment where domination over and obliteration of the “hosts” is the sole purpose.
Global efforts have included initiatives to support technical and non-technical target audiences in their understanding of the development of Ethical Tech and its implications. While there are some trying to establish concrete practices around tech ethics, hard lessons are being learned about the wide gap – imbalance – between the practices of doing ethics and what people think of as ethical. The pledge to “even out” is universally acceptable when there is no ill intention. Universal futuristic system, whether human or algorithmic tech or AI powered, is designed to be highly-secured. Anyone who truly disagrees with this statement, is politely recommended to have their genome sequenced. Chances are, a compromised environment would have been securely isolated. Increased pressure and chaos is a giveaway sign of perpetrators running out of time. Do your own ethical bit while comprehending the implications of weakening as a sign of compromised quality. Your positivity and optimism are often times counterweighted by a deliberate trap that when posed as a technical question, ethics becomes somewhat elusive and intractable, get diverted as if it’s too complicated of a problem to tackle hence you have little say in it.
Therefore, the most sensible option is to learn the dynamic, know exactly who the culprits are, and be resilient. Things are not always what it seems. Contrary to mainstream belief, it is no longer survival of the fittest. It’s survival of the wittiest. While tech can do so much, it turns out to reconfirm, ethics & entanglement is not for everyone. It’s down to whether organically you have it in you, or you don’t.